
I’ve decided to hate you until I love myself more. I’ve decided to hate you for gassing me up and then leaving me idle. I’ve decided to hate how you played pretend. Pretending you loved me and we were more than friends. It’s only fair, since I hated myself for every time I chose not…


3 At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior  appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He…

Chasing cars

She took off. I was letting my dog run around off leash, in what I thought was a secluded area, but, I was wrong. A car pulled up and my dog completely lost it. Sweet Potato (Sweets for short) is a chunky furball of energetic affection-with ADHD. Once she gets worked up about something (usually…

Cost of Admittance

I was wrong. I wasn’t the only one, but that was irrelevant. I’d let my hurt convince me to lean to my own understanding and react in a way that didn’t align with who I said I wanted to be, who I know I need to be. I’d cut communication because I thought it was…

Ugly Love

An imperfect person cannot give perfect love. Love itself is perfect but we are a flawed filter for it to pass through and so our love is ugly at times and slightly different: Ugly love loses patience but, finds it again. Ugly love can have moments of unkindness that masks feeling hurt. Ugly love can…

“Death wants to send you notifications”

Janice Joplin once sang the question “don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone?”.  It’s funny to me how that’s true for everything in life, but not life itself. Once you die you don’t know anything.  I believe that’s why having a near death experience can make some…

Damaged. Good.

I’m not a jewelry person. I like it just fine but it’s too small and easy for me to lose to be so valuable. My mother, however is a jewelry person. It took me losing a ring here and an earring there for her to stop buying it for me on birthdays and other holidays….

One for the Money

Money is NOT the root of all evil. At least that’s not how the verse in the bible is actual written. It states the love of money is the root of all evil and I’ve lived long enough not to disagree. I don’t think too many of us would readily confess to loving money as…

In the D.I.R.T.

A friend called me today and asked me to pray for her right at that moment. She is looking for a house and it’s a big decision for her and she wanted to be in God’s will. I stopped what I was doing and we went to God, thanking Him for the opportunity to seek…

The Path Unseen

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light on my path. Psalms 119:105 I’d mulled over the only two options I could see for four days. My head wrestled with a dull but persistent ache and my stomach churned like it was working overtime for a butter factory. With only enough grant…

Shrink wrapped

It honestly seemed like a good idea at the time. Life kept hurting me in one way or another until I became desperate for some form of self-preservation. It started with a haze of hopelessness after yet another crushing disappointment. I was certain I had thought everything through covered my bases, and considered every reasonable…


It wasn’t out there. It wasn’t in the lush green grass blanketing the field dotted with a beautiful array of wildflowers. It couldn’t be found in the warmth of the brilliant sun with a backdrop of a pristine blue sky. There was no sign of it in the towering oak tree giving respite to the…